In the Studio with Shiva Rose

In the Studio with Shiva Rose

With the first jar of Shiva Rose glow balm that arrived at Catbird, we all fell hard. Not an easy thing given our varied preferences, and general desire to keep our beauty routines uninterrupted until the next truly special thing comes along. 

Against ivory packaging is a single rose traced in watercolor shades of pink and embossed gold - the prettiest teaser to what’s inside. You first note the scent, both distinctly and subtly rose. Rosehip seed oil, shea butter, and coconut oil at the base creates the smooth texture, which can be applied generously for a dew glow, or sparingly as a sheer highlighter against the collar and cheekbones. 

Iranian-born, LA-based naturalist Shiva Rose, whose name is almost too perfectly aligned with her nature to really even mention, created her line of rose oil based apothecary after a bigger personal shift. “I truly made the natural world a priority seven years ago after a few life changes. I was getting a divorce, raising two daughters, overcoming health issues and needed to get closer to simplicity and to the earth. When we strip ourselves bare and get into the wilderness we become closer to the source of all things and therefore our souls,” Shiva explains of her found connection to nature. 

For now, her Santa Monica home serves as her studio, where she creates the alchemy for her line. “I am meeting with some organic labs as my line expands, and hopefully will be able to collaborate with one,” she says of plans for growth. Though she’s a team of one in her studio, when it comes to sourcing her botanicals and oils, Shiva is careful to nurture the right relationships. “ This is so vital to me, to know the farmers who grow my ingredients.”

We asked for a peek at what’s to come, because we were really curious but mostly because we’re fast approaching the bottom of our first glow balm jars. “I am using some secret ingredients that were used by Cleopatra and an Asian Empreses. I cannot wait to reveal the ingredients to you. I suppose this will be my dream apothecary,” Shiva says of a new cleanser and eye cream out this fall. 

In the meantime, Shiva's blog The Local Rose is updated daily with recipes, stories, tips, and products that embrace mindful living. And Shiva Rose Glow Balm is now available at Catbird.

