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Book Club: Our Favorites' Favorites

During the waning days of summer, I start to ponder on my fall reading list. Imagery of myself cozy on the couch with some hot tea, wearing cashmere shorts, burning a favorite fall scent and a heavy musky hard cover fill in my head. (Reality- I'm probably on the bus, covered in cat hair and coffee stains, and my kindle battery is dead.)
But nothing is worse than being at a loss on what to read, no matter your surroundings. When you've exhausted the classics and the best sellers list is underwhelming, where do you turn? The pros, duh. Who better to trust than some of the best writers themselves? Here's a list of some of our favorite female authors' favorites.
According to an interview in The Paris Review, Joan Didion's favorite book is Joseph Conrad's Victory. A really interesting book that Didion reads every time she has started a new writing project.
Maya Angelou couldn't choose a single favorite novel but graced us with several beloved ones. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison, Dickens's A Tale of Two Cities, and of course Alcott's Little Women.
Ah, Patti Smith. You never fail us. The poet, writer, musician, and all around bad ass idol has stocked her book shelf with copies of Carey Wallace's The Blind Contessa's New Machine and Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte.
Miranda July, how are you just so cool? Take her advice and read How to Build a Girl by Caitlin Moran, A Time for Everything by Karl Ove Knausgaard, or Man V Nature by Diane Cook.
So there you have it, a few recommendations from some real cool ladies who probably know what they are talking about. We're ready for fall now.